Measuring for Tie Rod Ends

Measuring a tie rod end can be helpful for finding a replacement by size when an OE option is not available.

The Elusive Tie Rod End

Whether you are working on a custom project or restoring a classic you might have trouble finding tie rod ends that are still made to fit that vehicle. If you find yourself running out of maunfacturers to contact about whether a tie rod end has been discontinued or not, you could check the dimensions of the original and find a replacement that matches your needs.

There are three measurements that you will need to find a suitable replacement and those are 1) the length of the rod 2) the thread pitch and 3) the thread diameter. The length of the rod end is pretty self explanatory while the pitch measures the distanse between individual threads and the diameter is the diameter of the threaded end of the rod. All of these dimensions can be a identified with a basic tape measure or a ruler. Some rod ends have a specific design and end type that will need to be verified before purchasing a replacement. Once you have these measurements you can check them against our table of outer or inner tie rod ends by size and hoepfully end your search on a happy note.

For more measurement instructions check out inner tie rod end measurement or outer tie rod end measurement.

tie rod end thread pitch tie rod end thread diameter